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Increases in Damaged Shipments Influence a Change in Packaging

A manufacturer of valves was having problems with damaged products that were being shipped through UPS. Initially the only protection they were using for these packages was newspaper to fill the void. Using this method meant that between 30-40 percent of their packages were being damaged before they reached their destination. With 1,500-2,000 valves being shipped a year, valued at $300 a piece, the cost for damaged valves was quickly rising. They contacted IPS Packaging & Automation to see what alternatives they could offer.


The first solution we discussed with the customer was the addition of foam-in-place bags. Samples were sent to be tested, while other protective packaging options were debated. We then suggested that they try a custom mold design. IPS worked with engineers to produce a CAD drawing of a mold that would fit the valves being shipped. The customer was initially sent a pre-mold to review and was very confident in the product. They immediately placed an order for three skids of the custom molds. They have since been able to virtually eliminate damaged shipments, producing a savings of $180,000 a year.


Braces product in place

Light weight, lowering transportation costs

Clean, easy to use and space saving

No matter the volume or packaging issues, custom molds will fit your foam padding needs

Resilient and impact resistant to absorb transportation shocks

Versatile - different foam densities and sizes available

Better compression strength

The customer was so confident in the new custom molding that they felt they could drop their packages from the top of the building and there would be no damage to the valves.

Maximize your equipment efficiency.

To find out how you can streamline your packaging process and learn about cost savings opportunities, contact one of our highly qualified packaging specialists! Call us today!

Total Packaging Cost Summary:

Reliability = Superior product protection

Material = Lighter weight to lower outbound freight

Savings = New package cost of $5.60 per valve

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